24 May, 2012


In-depth Review

Before commencing my final project I have been looking through my previous work and feedback received to produce aims and learning outcome for my final piece.

In previous works I feel I have often managed to use basic animation and flat colours. However sometimes I have not always taken into consideration the background or scene they may be in. In the animation “Let The Truth Be Said” I may often have focussed more on creating the character and animation itself, as this is where my interests are more than thinking about the relevance of background and setting.

Feedback on my previous pieces has suggested the need to change the focus of the character and incorporate the overall design. By isolating the characters from the background and not taking into account colour schemes this has sometimes made it look off balance.

My career aspirations still firmly lie in the field of character design therefore I particularly hope to demonstrate my abilities in this with my final project. I intend to research into memorable existing characters analyzing how their creators have made them so memorable to us.

I hope to incorporate this along with my other aims to produce a final piece that will both progress my own animation skills and show my abilities as a character designer.

Through-out the project I have sought feedback weekly from my peers. Having lived with Fay Maxim who studies the same course, we have been able to communicate throughout this project and made the sufficient changes. I've also spoken to the lecturer at early stages and applied the changes he deemed necessary.

For this project I also had to communicate with Lvl5 in order to help my project. For me the help of Keanu Jones was vital as I know how capable of a 2D designer he is. I found the communication between us to be important and  necessary for him to understand what I needed out of him. Thankfully, he did an amazing job with the backgrounds and added the extra spark my animation needed. He also taught me a lot about 2D and Digital painting which will be useful for later on. eg: 

  • "with digital art, you'll find yourself COLOR-PICKING alot
  • so yeah, just try and get comfortable around photoshop and develop a paint style
  • and you'll get faster and faster each time you practice
  • ok, I'm off~
  • little hint
  • in photoshop
  • press CTRL+ALT+CMD and click-drag on the canvas
  • you'll see something helpful appear"

This is important as I appreciate this is a much more realistic example of how an animation would be developed for a client with ongoing feedback and subtle changes. (The examples can be seen in my tests page where videos have been placed and ammended). It also highlighted the further importance of working to a deadline, ensuring projects and sketches are started early with regular feedback to allow early tweaks and changes to be made to create the best outcome. Whilst in previous projects I may have worked to my own brief right through to my final concept, this pattern with regular feedback and input from others made it much easier to incorporate tweaks and suggestions. This is what would be needed if working to a client’s specification, regular project updates to allow modifications to produce a project they would be most pleased with

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