I was practicing quickly on Maya, and just wanted to see what it would be like to make a quick Wine Glass. Although it's not 100% see through, I changed some of the atributes for it etc... It's okay for my first attempt.
Using cv curves and revolve, i was able to create this simplistic wine glass. Granted, I need to make it more crystal and stuff... but it's not bad- at least I got the shape right :>.

This shows the 4 layouts of the image: Top, Front, Side.

This is before I changed the attributes to white and transparency.

Showing the glass from different views.

Showing the glass from different views.

After much hard work and dedication, I was finally able to create the glass effect I'd always wanted. I will update with my methods and trail later on.
But here you have it, a wine glass :>

Showing the glass from different views.

Showing the glass from different views.
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