09 December, 2011
12 May, 2011
Choo Choo Bar
The experience of the project has been a mixed ride from day one. Upon meeting the members and creating the group, it would seem like things could only go well. After the introductions were made and we went to collect our own research, we found complications began to arise. Primarily were the members of the group didn’t attend. It left us somewhat disadvantaged because of certain expectations that couldn’t be met. For saying this was a group project, from the original 7, only three were consistent throughout.
Working with a group will always have its complications. It can be because of miss communication or just mismatch of personality.
The way in which the other people attacked the project was interesting. I’m used to being more reserved and structured, yet found myself liking their method or working. Still demanding, yet somehow it felt freer. Coming from a Graphic Design background, I am used to tight design and working once again with Graphic Designers reminded me of that.
After several weeks, our synch began to fade. Less and less people started to make it to the group meetings. Each week, felt like we were taking one step forward and two back. When people turned it, they didn’t like what was done so we had to change. Eventually, we realised this wasn’t a way to work and therefore changed the choices. Those who didn’t attend didn’t have a say. It seemed tough and strict at the time, yet seemed to convey the message across.
Overall, I’m not sure how I’ve felt. Whether it’s the way we have approached the work, the different styles involved or redoing things over and over constantly. I’ve learnt the technique of Rotoscoping and found out how demanding it actually is. Although the motion is accurate, the length to create the final piece is a lengthy one.
Given the overall effect, I am pleased with how it turned out. I think those who attended mostly have worked well and it has been reflected in the final piece.
This song has a catchy tune. It seems that this is the perfect time to launch this product. The choo choo bar and the choo choo song ( Trainline) would go perfectly hand in hand. It also gives me the idea of taking the choo choo audio and playing it on a continuos loop for the animation. Lately major business are promoting trains etc... if there was ever a time to launch this bar- IT'S NOW!
20 March, 2011

The only reason for using this- ignoring the audio, is because I needed the reference of someone eating a watermelon. Preferably a child, because this would help me depict what it would look like on my character. Also, the fact that a child tends to eat more messily(could be one of the benefits/behaviors) of my Character (Vlad).